Anti-racism Workshop with Resist Renew

It was great to see our staff, trustees, and mentors from across London join our online workshop on anti-racism and working with asylum seeking young people, hosted by Resist Renew.

The workshop took us on an exploration of racism in the UK. We looked particularly at how it affects young people seeking asylum. Mentors discussed their own experiences, as well as how racism affects mentees and the mentor-mentee relationship. As one of the attendees stated:

“It was fascinating to listen to other mentors perspectives and to be challenged on my own preexisting assumptions about racism in the UK. I found the area looking at the difference between what we see as mainstream in our society vs what is on the margins particularly enlightening. Although we only scratched the surface, I’d highly recommend this to everybody.” 

At Hope for the Young, we know there is a long way to go but we look forward to continuing to learn about racism, anti-racist practice and how to support and empower young people effectively as part of our strategy towards diversity, equity and inclusion. It feels all the more important at this time, given the current negative treatment of migrants by the media and in political debate.

The team at Resist Renew offer training in the following areas

  • Facilitation skills
  • Direct action and knowing your rights
  • How to manage conflict
  • How to work in healthy collaborative groups
  • Power privilege and organising towards collective liberation
  • As well as tailor made trainings to suit your groups needs

We would highly recommend this so do get in touch with Resist Renew here to book your essential anti-racism workshop!

Matt Blacker

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