Cambodia Appeal

In 2016, we were approached by a benefactor to help him support a village school in Cambodia. Kanseng Village, near the city of Siem Reap & the ancient city of Ankor Watt, is a community development association which supports the Kanseng Primary School to provide good quality education for 380 children, attending in two shifts.

The school has 5 classrooms. Outside donations from supporters have enabled the school to provide books & educational resources for the children, The World Food Programme (WFP) provides breakfast, Singapore University students remodelled the school, and volunteers from Korea built 3 toilets. A Cambodia New Year’s Party raised money for a library.
We arranged for a volunteer architect to visit the school and draw the following plans in consultation with the school staff:

  • To remodel the current kitchen shed to create storage space & make it a more hygienic environment.
  • Make 2 more classrooms for secondary school children who currently study in outdoor classrooms.
  • Tile the classroom floors to reduce the spread of dust.
  • Build a small wooden house to accommodate volunteers to help the staff educate an increasing number of children.

We have so far raised $5,000, which was sent to Cambodia for the first stage of upgrading the kitchen.

Matt Blacker

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